If you need immediate urgent help call 999. In non-emergency situations you can also contact the NTU Security team, available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, on 0115 848 2222.
What happens when I report with contact details?

f someone wants to receive support or consider informal or formal options to address a concern, they would need to submit a report with their contact details.

The report will be viewed by a system administrator who will assign the report to an adviser. If you identify that you want support from an NTU Adviser, you will be contacted within 2 working days to discuss the report and offer support, guidance and next steps.  If you identify that you would like an investigation to take place, you will be contacted within 5 working days.  Any colleagues who make a report will be contacted by a member of the HR team within 5 working days.

What happens when I make an anonymous report?

The report will be viewed by a system administrator.
As the report is anonymous, we will not know who has made the report and therefore cannot reach out and provide support.

The administrator will first review the report to identify any risks that relate to our duty of care. If no immediate risk is identified, no further, direct action will be taken. 

Information provided within anonymous reports will be used as statistical data to understand what is happening and to inform proactive prevention work. NTU will identify and address any concerning trends. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened