If you need immediate urgent help call 999. In non-emergency situations you can also contact the NTU Security team, available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, on 0115 848 2222.

Sexual Violence Awareness Week 3-7th February 2025 

Throughout the week we'll be raising awareness of sexual violence, answering your questions, and showing our solidarity with survivors and victims. 

This year, alongside a range of events, we are asking students and colleagues to take part in ‘5 Actions Against Sexual Violence’. 


Actions Against Sexual Violence  

For Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2025, we’re challenging you to increase your knowledge and understanding of Sexual Violence. Over 1million adults reported an incident of sexual violence in the year ending March 2022, and this is increasing.  

There are so many ways you can learn more about this topic. Check out our 5 Actions Against Sexual Violence, below, for suggestions on how you can get informed. 

You can use your Actions to contribute towards your NTU Award NTU Employability Online 

Plus, complete an action for each of the 5 themes below between 3rd February and 10th February and you can be entered for a chance to win a £20 Amazon voucher. Submit your entry and evidence here 



There are so many TV shows, films and documentaries that you can watch, here are some of our suggestions:  


We’re seeing more people talking about sexual violence now, check out some of the podcasts below: 


You can learn more through a range of different books, articles and survivor stories: 


It's great to work on your knowledge in your own time, but it can really help to engage in events to learn from other people. Check out the events we have going on that you can join. The whole list of events can be found underneath the actions: 




The more we talk about this subject, the less stigmatised it becomes. Now you’ve done some learning, try sharing this! 

  • Have a chat with your mates about anything you've seen or read 
  • Share what you’ve learned from any of the other actions, on social media (don’t forget to hashtag #ActionsAgainstSexualViolence) 
  • Write a blog post – email us at cie@ntu.ac.uk if you want to contribute to the HealthyNTU blog 
  • Take a photo of the purple Arkwright building and share this with the hashtag #ActionsAgainstSexualViolence 


Sexual Violence Awareness Week Events 

See below for the range of events we will be hosting throughout the week. You can also pick up your free wristband from all campuses at the Students Union and Student Services desks to show your solidarity with survivors and victims.  


Tuesday 4th February  

Craft Event: Clifton, 12-2pm, Support and Wellbeing Hub  

The Clothesline Project 

Find out more Event 


Wednesday 5th February   

Craft Event: Brackenhurst 12-2pm Brackenhurst Library 

The Clothesline Project 

Find out more Event 


Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence Workshop: City, Newton 38 1:30-3:30pm 

2hr workshop (with a midway break) to learn bystander intervention tools and how to respond to a disclosure of sexual violence. 


Thursday 6th February 

Craft Event: City, 12-2pm, City Student Wellbeing Hub, Newton

The Clothesline Project 

Find out more Event 


Expert Panel Event:  The Intersectionality of Sexual Violence: How Sexual Violence Impacts Marginalised Groups, Online 2:30-4pm 

In our expert panel we are joined by 4 speakers from different specialisms, discussing the impact of sexual violence on marginalised groups and the barriers this creates to accessing support and justice.  

Speakers will include: 

Halima Kamran, Sex Worker Independent Sexual Violence Advocate at POW Nottingham 

Dr. Helen Williams, Associate Professor of Vulnerability and Criminal Justice at the University of Sunderland  

Kenjin Kuek, Trustee for The Spencer Trust and Associate EDI Partner at Nottingham Trent University 

Representative from Al-Hurraya 


Use the link below to anonymously ask any questions to our panel of experts in advance.  

Ask us your questions   



There are two ways you can tell us what happened